Monday 22 April 2013

What to plant outside in early spring

Well it's that time of year! If you're thinking of growing some vegetables in your garden this season now is a good time to get started. There are certain vegetables that you can plant in the ground now - such as lettuce, beets, spinach, snap peas and onion. John made a quick video to help you get started.

Whether it's your first time planting your own vegetable garden or you're a seasoned vet, come visit us. We've got lots of different types of seeds and plants for you to get started with. If you want to try growing some fruit this year we also have lots to choose from including Blueberries, Blackberries, Grapes, Figs, Gosseberries, Currants, Raspberries and Hardy Kiwi.

If you want to try planting some rhubarb now is the time to get started. Liz just potted up a whole bunch for you at the nursery this week. You'll have to come in soon though because these definitely sell pretty quickly.

Of course, we're always happy to help guide you and answer any questions you have. See you soon... Happy planting! - Dave

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