Thursday 10 October 2013

Our Cutest Pet Contest... Submit a picture for your chance to win a $25 gift certificate

In honour of the two newest additions to our family 'Oscar & Willow' 
we present to you our CUTEST PET contest.

For the next four weeks you've got a shot at winning a $25 Glasshouse / Betula Boutique gift certificate by simply uploading your favourite pet pictures to our Facebook page. Then check our page on Friday afternoons at 12pm to find out if you've won! 

It's that easy! 

Wondering what sort of pictures to take? Snap a shot of your pet being cute and adorable at bedtime, wearing a costume, playing with friends, making a funny face etc etc. The cuter the better... 

Winners will be announced: Friday October 18th & 25th and Friday November 1st & 8th at noon.

Be sure to check our page each week to see if you've won.

Enter as many pictures as you would like. 

Go to either of our pages:

- In the status box, click on photo/video
- A box will appear that says "Select an image or video file on your computer"
- Click the button that says "Choose file"
- Another window will open for you to search for the picture. Once you've found your picture, highlight it and click the "Open" button
- You're picture file name will now show next to where it says "Choose file"
- You can type in a message explaining your picture if you would like
- And then hit the Post button

Winners must pick up their gift certificates at Glasshouse/Betula by the Sunday after the winning announcement is made.

Remember... Share our contest with your friends online. The more pictures we get the more cute animals we get to see!!!!


By entering the contest you agree that the picture you submit can be used by the Glasshouse Nursery / Betula Boutique and via our partners in print and online.

The winner agrees to have their picture taken by The Glasshouse Nursery / Betula Boutique to be used in print and online by the Glasshouse Nursery / Betula Boutique and via our partners.

Hook up with us at The Glasshouse Nursery Social Media Community:

Twitter:      @glasshouseon
Instagram:  glasshouseon

Hook up with us at The Glasshouse Nursery Social Media Community:

Twitter:      @betulafashion
Instagram:  betula boutique

GOOD LUCK!! We're looking forward to seeing all the beautiful pictures.

Friday 6 September 2013

And the Winner is.....

We're so excited to announce that the winner of the Communities in Bloom / Glasshouse Nursery Fabulous Front Yards Contest is...

Janet Smith from Pain Court.

This picture of her yard was randomly selected as the winning picture for the contest which means she wins the $500 Glasshouse Nursery Gift Certificate. Congratulations Janet!

And a big thank you to everyone who participated in the contest. We were absolutely amazed at the amount of entries we received and the enthusiasm shown by all of you. We definitely loved seeing all the beautiful pictures from around the Chatham-Kent region. We live in such an incredible region and it's very encouraging to see the love and care that so many put into their gardens.

Thank you to Communities in Bloom for all the hard work they do to promote gardening throughout Chatham-Kent. This non-profit organization works hard at encouraging community pride, environmental responsibility, heritage conservation and of course the beautification and tidiness of our community.

All the best from all of us here at The Glasshouse Nursery.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Many more Fabulous Front Yard Pictures to look at

We've been getting some really beautiful pictures coming in for the contest. If you haven't submitted your picture yet be sure to do it soon. All entries must be received by Wednesday, August 28th at noon to be eligible. If you're curious about what to do, read up on the submission details.

Thank you to everyone who has submitted so far. Good Luck!

We definitely have some talented gardeners in Chatham-Kent!

Talk to you soon - Dave

Friday 9 August 2013

What to do in your garden right now

Got the itch and need to get your hands dirty. Well.. It's August and everything is planted. Wondering what do do? 

Well you could just do some watering, sit back, enjoy the colours in your garden and of course a margarita on the patio...

However, the key to a long lasting, healthy garden is fertilizer. Many people have come to me the past few weeks wondering what they can do to keep their hanging baskets and planters healthy. 

My answer is simple - Fertilizer.

I really can't stress enough how important fertilizer is to your plants. The hanging baskets, planters and arrangements you purchased from the Glasshouse or elsewhere were probably planted in April (even sooner). Let's remember that there isn't that much soil in your containers. And these plants need to eat. Any nutrients that were in the soil to begin with have long been absorbed. 

Plants without food (fertilizer) will look yellow, weak and have brown stems. They lack flowers and as a result will be very susceptible to bugs and disease such as fungus. Watering alone just doesn't cut it. 

Proper feeding will result in strong vigorous growth, deep green foliage, and gorgeous, long lasting rich coloured flowers. So remember to FERTILIZE, FERTILIZE, FERTILIZE.

Come see me in the nursery and we can chat about any questions you might have.

Talk to you soon, John

Wednesday 7 August 2013

Fabulous Front Yards Contest (Chatham-Kent is looking good)

From the pictures that have been coming in, it's no wonder that Chatham-Kent was the Community In Blooms National Winner of 2010. We definitely do have a beautiful community.

Here are a few more pictures for you to have a look at. Remember, we want to see all kinds of different pictures. From your favourite garden spot, to a nice shot of your tomatoes and beans, to your beautiful pond. Whatever looks gorgeous in your front yard right now is what we want to see. So keep those pictures coming in.

Send in your entries to and check out the rules here. 

Good Luck - Dave

Friday 2 August 2013

Japanese Beetles and What to Do!

Japanese Beetles... Actually, when you look at them, they are quite beautiful. But, have you taken notice of your plants lately and wondering what's going on with them?
Japanese Beetle

Unfortunately, in Southern Ontario, this is one of the worst cases we've seen of Japanese Beetles invading our gardens in years.

I was at my dads place recently having a BBQ and as I went to leave it sounded like a light rain falling on my truck and his asphalt driveway just below his large Birch tree.  The beetles were so thick in that tree they were dropping off one after another.

Japanese Beetles feasting on leaves
In the evening these beetles get into everything. From your roses, shrubs to your garden plants and eat their way through the leaves like an army. These are the same beetles which lay eggs into your lawn. These eggs hatch into the sod-eating grub which can destroy your lawn right before your very eyes. By the time August and September roll around they are feasting on the grass roots.

We do have a solution for you. The Japanese Beetle Trap. Beetle traps are your best defense to control these beetles. They are easy to use and will collect Japanese Beetles by the hundreds and help keep them off your plants and lawn. Come into the garden centre and we will be more than happy to talk to you more about the traps and how to use them.
A great trap you can purchase at the Glasshouse Garden Centre
Just a quick tip. If it happens to turn into a dry August, make sure that you keep your lawn nice and moist. This way the active growth of your turf will keep up with the damage the grubs will be doing.

I hope that this answers some questions you might have and helps you get a handle on the Japanese Beetle invasion that might be happening in your garden. Keep me posted on how the trap works for you.

Talk to you soon, Dave

Wednesday 31 July 2013

Fabulous Front Yards Contest - And the Entries Keep On A Coming...

The response we've been getting for the Fabulous Front Yards Contest has been amazing! We can only say Thank-You! We're so grateful to have such wonderful gardening friends. Here are a few more entries that we've received. Of course, we've been getting so many that it's just too much to include but we still have plenty of weeks to go so you may just see your garden pic on here.

If you haven't entered yet... What are you waiting for? You could win a $500 Glasshouse Nursery gift certificate. That's big bucks! Hey, You could put it towards that new patio set you've been saving up for!

Be sure to tell your friends and spread the word.

Good Luck! Dave

Wednesday 24 July 2013

Fabulous Front Yards Contest - Check out these Entries

Well the pictures have been coming through fast and furious for the Fabulous Front Yards Contest. Here are just a few of the entries we've received so far. Lots of beautiful gardens. Remember the winner is drawn at random. You can submit a picture of your entire garden, one of your favourite flowers, a container that you're proud of, your veggies.... any sort of garden related picture from your front yard. 

To submit your own photo for a chance to win CLICK HERE

Good Luck to everyone participating! $500 sure does go a long way at the Glasshouse.

Talk to you soon, Dave