Wednesday 22 May 2013

Shade Gardening Seminar on June 1st, 2013

This is always a popular seminar. What do you grow in the shade?

There are so many plants that thrive in shade but unfortunately we see the wrongs ones planted time and time again. Join John and Wendy on Saturday, June 1st at 10am for a discussion about successful shade gardening. Shade loving plants for your planters and hanging baskets will also be discussed.  We'll help you get those shaded areas flourishing with abundant colour in no time and with little effort.

Shade Gardening Seminar
When: Saturday, June 1st, 2013 at 10am
Cost: $25

** Remember that if you're a Garden Club Member these seminars are FREE! There is a one-time cost of $25 to become a Garden Club Member so it just makes sense to join the club.

Be sure to register in advance because spots are limited. 

See you soon - Dave

Butterfly Bush Tips

Butterfly Bushes are definitely a popular shrub at the nursery. Gardeners just can't resist them because they are just so fragrant and produce so many blooms. Truth is though that they are a bit finicky and do require some very specific care. Very easy to do. Just have to know what to do.

We've encountered a few people over the years and Tammy-Jo, just recently mentioned on Facebook that she's had a hard time with her Butterfly Bushes. So, thought we would give a few quick tips for anyone who is going to be planting a Butterfly Bush this season - they are on sale this week so now is the time to pop in and pick one up. 

Glenn says:
We have a variety of organics that you can
choose from at the Nursery
1- Be sure to plant your Butterfly Bushes in full sun - They absolutely detest the shade!

2- Make certain the soil where they are to be planted is light & well-drained.  You can achieve this by adding organics such as Nincompoop, composted sheep manure, mushroom compost, etc. at the time of planting.
Sale happening now (May 23rd - 26th, 2013) at
The Glasshouse Nursery and Garden Centre

3- Water wisely.. Butterfly Bushes do not like to be over-watered. At time of planting, water well and then as a general rule of thumb give them a good watering 2-3 times per week. And that's plenty! Just be sure to water enough to keep the soil moist, but not wet.

4- Fertilize your newly planted Butterfly bushes with a high phosphate fertilizer (transplant fertilizer) to help the root system establish quickly.

5- Remember to mulch your Butterfly Bushes after planting to help ensure the ground around the roots stays frozen during the winter.  Continuous freeze-thaw cycles throughout the winter months will often cause serious root damage.

Follow these tips and your Butterfly Bush will thrive and be the star of your garden.

 - Dave

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Growing Mint? Make Mojitos

Have you ever tried a Mojito before with mint grown from your garden? It has to be one of the best tasting cocktails you'll ever try!

Mark DeWolf shared with us his "Mark's Mess Free Mojito" recipe in our Glasshouse Home & Garden Magazine (Spring 2013).

It's just so good that we had to share it on the blog just in case you haven't tried it yet!

"Purists will argue the process of muddling fresh limes and mint is the best method to extract flavour for a Mojito but I prefer the ease of preparation of this method, especially if you want to serve this to a number of people at a party. I use sparkling wine in the place of club soda to give my version a refreshing and sophisticated twist. When choosing a sparkling wine, forego Champagne and other classically made versions. Instead, I would opt for Prosecco or another similarly uncomplicated, fruit forward style."

1oz white rum
1/2 lime, juiced
1 tbsp mint syrup
Sparkling wine
Slice of lime
Sprig of mint

- Fill a highball glass with ice
- Add the rum, lime juice and mint syrup
- Top with sparkling wine
- Garnish with a slice of lime and a sprig of mint

How to Make the Mint Syrup:

1 cup water
1 cup white sugar
1 cup mint leaves

- Place the sugar and water in a pan and bring to a boil
- Reduce the heat to low and add the mint leaves. Continue to simmer for 10 minutes
- Remove from the heat. Let the syrup steep for 15 to 20 minutes
- Pour the syrup through a fine sieve. Be sure to press hard on the mint to extract as much of its flavour as possible. Let the syrup cool.

Delicious.. And a great way to use up the mint from your garden and show off for your friends!!!

Thanks Mark for the recipe.

Use for wine, cocktails, juice, milk, water etc.
If you're going to make a batch of these Mojitos when entertaining you might want to check out our new line of ICED products. We have an ICED Carafe that is perfect for these exact type of drinks. You put the carafe into the freezer and it forms an ice shell within the double wall with non-toxic re-freezable liquid that's sealed between the walls. So no water mess and your beverages stay cold for hours.


Mark DeWolf is a sommelier and owner of By The Glass, a food and beverage company based out of Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Thursday 2 May 2013

Fertilizing your Lawn in the Spring

One of the most popular questions we get in the spring is "what can I do now to get my lawn in great shape for the summer?"

Really, it's simple. You want to fertilize to promote healthy grass that chokes out the weeds. 

Our nursery manager Glenn, gives you some tips here on getting your lawn ready this spring using Scotts Turf Builder Pro with Weed Prevent - which of course we have on hand in the store. 

We're hoping this video will help you get your lawn in tiptop shape. If you have any questions just come and visit us. We're always happy to answer any of your questions. And, as Glenn mentions in the video, we can loan you one of our Scotts fertilizer spreaders when you purchase fertilizer from us to help you get the job done.

- Dave

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Flowering Shrubs

Just wanted to give you a quick update on a few of my personal favourite flowering shrubs that we have in the Garden Centre for you.

Bloomerang Lilac

Bloomerang Lilac available at the Glasshouse Nursery
This relatively new dwarf mauve Lilac has become quite well known over the past few years. It continues to bloom fragrantly from early spring through early summer, takes a short rest in mid-summer and then re-blooms well into the fall. Growing to just a couple feet tall it is useful in shrub or perennial borders or even large containers. Enjoy the butterflies and hummingbirds it will attract or cut the blooms and bring them into the house. Deadheading will force even more blooms!

Sonic Bloom Weigela

In the gardening world, we're excited about the new Sonic Bloom Weigela series. Weigela are natural bouquets of colour in spring. This new variety for 2013 has a very high bud count. A burst of spring bloom followed by waves of re-bloom until frost will be a delight to the eyes and the butterflies. Available now in red, pearl and pink.

Magic Carpet Spirea

Bluebeard Caryopteris available at
The Glasshouse Nursery & Garden Centre
The first thing that comes to mind at the sound of spirea is a waterfall of confetti. We all have memories of the old-fashioned Bridal Wreath spirea. With the name being the only similarity, Magic Carpet forms a low perfect mound of bronze and copper foliage in early spring. Dark rich pink blossoms cover the plant in May. The trick is to trim down the spent blooms in June and watch it do it all over again. The most manageable of all dwarf shrubs and far superior to any of its predecessors, this plant will surely stand the test of time in many gardens.

Bluebeard Caryopteris

Every shrub garden needs Caryopteris. "Variety is the spice of life" and this is what Bluebeard is to the garden. The rare blue fluorescent flowers contrast with its rich glossy green leaves. Blooming mid-summer to late fall, Bluebeard fills a gap when many shrubs are past their prime. Caryopteris provides the ideal compliment to autumn's yellows, oranges and reds and is another reason for the birds and butterflies to come visit.

New Hydrangeas for your Garden

I'm pretty excited about some of the new Hydrangeas that we have in the nursery for you this year. When I think about my childhood summers I always tend to remember the beautiful Hydrangea blooms that stood out in the distant corners of the gardens I admired.

I think our grandparents would be floored by the new Hydrangeas that are available to us today. At one time a flowering shrub like Hydrangea couldn't exist on its own; it needed companions to cover them while out of bloom. But now, with introductions such as "Endless Summer Hydrangea", "Bobo Hydrangea" and "Sweet Summer Hydrangea", improved varieties which have been bred to re-bloom again and again, we can now count on them pulling their weight in the garden and giving us the show we paid for.

Endless Summer Hydrangea available at
the Glasshouse Nursery & Garden Centr
Endless Summer Hydrangea

What a breakthrough! Although it's not brand new this plant has become and all-time favourite with its multi-coloured pink and purple blooms and continuous flowering ability throughout the summer. Be careful not to trim back in the fall as far as you normally would other Hydrangeas because this prolific performer re-blooms on old wood as well as new. Water well and plant in plenty of morning sun but avoid locations in the scalding afternoon heat. Fertilize in spring and summer with a slow release, high phosphorus all-purpose plant food but no later than early September so next year's buds will harden off nicely for its winters sleep.

Bobo Hydrangea

Proven Winners Bobo Hydrangea available at
the Glasshouse Nursery & Garden Centre
A winner of the Gold Floral medal for best novelty plant, this Proven Winners Hydrangea has just been released this spring. Engulfed in large white blossoms this plant holds its blossoms up high on strong stems and resists the temptation to flop. The spectacular pure white display morphs into a soft pink at first sign of cooler temperatures in the fall. Compact to 3 feet tall, it is a perfect specimen for any small garden with colour from mid-summer through late fall.

Sweet Summer Hydrangea

This beautiful hydrangea blooms throughout the summer and into the fall. It's mid to large size and very full producing an incredible amount of blooms. Check out this video and see for yourself how spectacular they are: Sweet Summer Hydrangea Video from Concept Plants

Next time you're in the Garden Centre be sure to check out these beauties. They might just be the perfect spot in your garden for one or two.

- Dave