Friday 6 September 2013

And the Winner is.....

We're so excited to announce that the winner of the Communities in Bloom / Glasshouse Nursery Fabulous Front Yards Contest is...

Janet Smith from Pain Court.

This picture of her yard was randomly selected as the winning picture for the contest which means she wins the $500 Glasshouse Nursery Gift Certificate. Congratulations Janet!

And a big thank you to everyone who participated in the contest. We were absolutely amazed at the amount of entries we received and the enthusiasm shown by all of you. We definitely loved seeing all the beautiful pictures from around the Chatham-Kent region. We live in such an incredible region and it's very encouraging to see the love and care that so many put into their gardens.

Thank you to Communities in Bloom for all the hard work they do to promote gardening throughout Chatham-Kent. This non-profit organization works hard at encouraging community pride, environmental responsibility, heritage conservation and of course the beautification and tidiness of our community.

All the best from all of us here at The Glasshouse Nursery.